Course handouts and presentations 2023 - 2024

The tutors of these courses (listed in order of course code) have provided handouts and presentations to accompany their course. Click on a course title to access the documents.

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ARTH 02: Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Mercia

ARTH 03 and ARTH 03(z): Art of the Picts

ARTH 06(z): Reading the geology of landscape paintings

ARTH 08: Cultures of Japan

ARTH 09 and ARTH 09(z): Art and Industry in Britain, 1760-1960 (Spring term)

CUR 05: Cyber security  – be safe online

CMP 04 and CMP 04(z): How safe are you online?

CMP 05 and CMP 05(z): How safe are you online? 2

ECN 02: Great Economists – their lives, their ideas, and their legacy

ECN 04: Real-world economics

ECN 08: uses and abuses of economics

HIS 01 and HIS 01(Z): A woman of no importance?

HIS 06: Biographies

HIS 09/10: Cambridge History

HIS 17: Explorers and travellers in Asia

HIS 21: History of early Christianity 

HIS 22: Horses: Their role in the history of man

HIS 25: Language Labyrinth

HIS 28: Researching, recording and sharing your family genealogy and history (Spring term)

HIS 36: The plant hunters

LEI 04: Bird club

LEI 12: Fledgling bridge

LIT 12: Edith Wharton

LIT 14: Enlightenment ideas revealed in Jane Austen’s novels

LIT 16: From the Wall Street Crash to Pearl Harbour

MUS 01: Aspects of classical music (Spring term)

MUS 10 and MUS 10(z): Opera – Verdi’s early work and later development

MUS 11 and MUS 11(z); Opera- More of Verdi’s early work and later development

PHL 05: topics in the philosophy of mathematics and science

SCE 02(z): Babbage and his engines

SCE 09 and SCE 09(z): Geology group

SCE 10: Great Physicists

SCE 17(z): The learning Brain

SCE 22: Eat well, live longer, live well.

SCE 24: Climate Change – what to think and what to do

WLL 05: Exploring the science of mindfulness

WOR 06: The Balkans

One-off session – The Physics and Metaphysics of Time and Space

Direct Publishing talk