Summer Events

We have a programme of events for U3AC members only (unless otherwise stated) taking place over the Summer holiday period.



Applying for Summer Events

Places are limited and are on a first-come first-served basis. It is therefore advisable to enrol early to avoid disappointment.

Please note: You may initially request 3 events and places will be confirmed on application. If you request further events (up to a maximum of 6) you will be placed on a holding list and be contacted if the event still has places, about a week before the date.

As far as possible we have tried to ensure that the events are free. If not, the cost is stated in the Programme, together with the method of payment. In some cases, a donation is requested to support the organisation that is hosting us, or as a thank you for a guide, and it would be appreciated if you could bring your donation in cash to give to the U3AC organiser at the start of the event.

The events are listed in date order. contasct the Office if you would like to attend any of these Events.


Please click HERE for Summer Events.