Evolution of Quaker thought and belief (PHL 03)

  • Day and time: Friday 14:45 - 15:45
  • Length of course: 1 term. Autumn (10 Weeks)
  • Number of places: 10
  • Start date: 14 October 2016
  • Description:

    The Quakers are an interesting if not a puzzling phenomenon. They worship in silence but publish a continuous stream of books and pamphlets largely about themselves.... They are few in number, yet you find them everywhere, often in places of considerable influence. They are fearless social reformers and have a very good head for business....They have never celebrated sacraments or borne arms. They have never refused to recognise women as ministers and their status as Christians is unquestioned, except by free-thinking members of their own community....They much prefer to travel hopefully than to arrive. One of their earlier names is 'Friends of Truth' (John Punshon in Portrait in Grey: a short history of the Quakers ). Class members will take turns in raising, for class consideration, interesting questions inspired by that week's reading.

  • Format: Discussion

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