British Prime Ministers - Disraeli to Thatcher (HIS 05)

  • Day and time: Wednesday 11:50 - 12:50
  • Length of course: 1 term. Autumn (10 Weeks)
  • Number of places: 20
  • Start date: 09 October 2024
  • Description:

    The course will cover the political careers of premiers of Britain from Benjamin Disraeli to Margaret Thatcher. It will also look at their personal lives and family backgrounds. Each prime minister will be placed in his or her historical context. Previous knowledge of these leaders would be helpful, but it is not essential. Those without knowledge will not be at a disadvantage. The course will also refer to films and TV programmes about the prime ministers. Reading list: W.S. Churchill, 'The Gathering Storm'; Sarah Bradford, 'Disraeli'; John Bew,' Citizen Clem'; Roy Jenkins, 'Baldwin'; and Hugo Young, 'One of Us'.

  • Format: Lecture

  • Tutor: Peter Neville
  • I am a very experienced university and adult education lecturer. I have published books about Churchill and Chamberlain.

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