Online Bridge league (BBO) (LEI 05)

  • Day and time: Thursday afternoons is preferred, with some flexibility to accommodate individual circumstanceser to July with short breaks after each round of fixtures. 15:00 - 17:00
  • Length of course: 3 terms. Autumn (10 Weeks), Spring (10 Weeks), Summer (8 Weeks)
  • Number of places: 48
  • Start date: 10 October 2024
  • Description:

    This course, developed with the Fledglings during Covid, uses Bridge Base Online (BBO) software. Matches are arranged so that pairs play different opponents each week - the online equivalent of moving tables. Each match is played in Chicago format and takes around 90 minutes. Suitable for anyone who can play standard ACOL, you can join either as a pair or an individual - in the latter case I will endeavour to find you a partner. Each match is arranged directly with your opponents, preferably at 3pm on Thursday, but we can be flexible if necessary. BBO and Chicago are straightforward and I provide supporting sheets. The league aspect is low-key, secondary to enjoyment - pairs are simply identified by letters in final league tables.

  • Format: Course or activity without teaching

  • Organiser: Barrie Hunt
  • I'm an average social player. During Covid I ran an online league - the model works for both those who cannot easily travel and those wanting online as well .

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