The monthly draw - urban sketching in Cambridge (ART 14)

  • Day and time: 2nd Friday of each month, except for April, when it will be 4th Friday of the month 10:30 - 12:30
  • Length of course: 3 terms. Autumn (3 Weeks), Spring (3 Weeks), Summer (3 Weeks)
  • Number of places: 10
  • Start date: 11 October 2024
  • Description:

    An untutored group activity, meeting once a month in the city to sketch buildings, landmarks, museum exhibits, people etc. Monthly meeting points will be sent out in advance, bearing in mind predicted weather conditions. On the day, we will gather to say hello, then sketch - either near to others in the group, or more spread out - according to individuals' preferences and the particular area. Afterwards, we can go for a cuppa nearby to swap stories, compare and admire drawings (optional) and pool ideas about future locations, materials used etc. I find sketching away from home more motivating and supportive when with others. This group is for anyone who likes to draw, of whatever standard/experience. Drawing/painting materials need to be portable. The art shop in King Street gives 10% discount to U3AC members. Wear weather appropriate clothes. A small portable stool might be useful. 

    Dates: 11 Oct, 8 Nov, 13 Dec, 10 Jan, 14 Feb,14 Mar, 25 Apr, 9 May, 13 Jun.

  • Format: Course or activity without teaching

  • Organiser: Jessie Nisbet
  • I belong to a U3AC art group and the local Urban Sketchers, although this group would be for anyone who likes to draw/paint, of whatever standard or experience.

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