The group promotes the study and enjoyment of plants. Indoor illustrated talks are held at approximately 3 week intervals on Monday afternoons in the Autumn and Spring term at Comberton Village Hall. Provisional Dates for 2024/25 are 7 Oct, 28 Oct, 18 Nov, 2 Dec, 13 Jan, 3 Feb, 24 Feb, 17 March. This is followed in the summer by a programme of field trips whose planning is assisted by the membership. Some visits are guided by outside botanists, and others by members of the group. A detailed programme is sent out in March. Car-sharing is encouraged. Members should acquire guide(s) to the wild flowers (including grasses, sedges & rushes) of the British Isles; recommendations will be made. A good X10 hand lens is useful. We collect a small voluntary contribution at the beginning of the year to pay speakers' expenses and for donations to trust sites that we visit.