Film group

Established in October 1999 with the much valued contribution of the Arts Picturehouse Cambridge management, the aim of the U3AC Film Group is to show a wide range of the best in both historic and contemporary world cinema from all countries, generations and genres, and our programmes take a robust and adventurous approach to the history of cinema. The Group’s shows take place at the Arts Picturehouse every Tuesday during term time, and our films are shown in Screen 2 or mainly in Screen 3. There are no ads or trailers which means that all of our films commence promptly at 1.00 pm other than when an epic or exceptionally lengthy film is shown, and members are kindly requested to adhere to the start time of 1.00 pm as a dark cinema can be hazardous. Members are most welcome to attend our post screen discussions and to make suggestions for future showings.

Please note that the cost of our season of Tuesday shows is £45 per term and that until further notice our seasons at Picturehouse Cambridge will be subject to such government guidelines and Picturehouse procedures and arrangements as may be in force. Although government Covid restrictions have been lifted members are kindly requested to be mindful of others in terms of social distancing etc and the Picturehouse guidelines. The cost of an individual film is at the usual Silver Screen cost, and overall season membership is only valid for the season in question.

Members are kindly requested to ensure that all electronic devices are switched off or in the case of mobile phones switched to silent mode, and under no circumstances should photography/filming take place in the cinema.

Organiser: Jeremy Buncombe
When: Tuesday 13.00–15.00 during term time
Where: Arts Picturehouse, 38–39 St Andrew’s Street, Cambridge, CB2 3AR
Contact: the Office on 01223 321587 or

Information about tickets

Click to download details of the Summer Term 2025

Click to download details of past Film Screenings

Tickets for Film group screenings

Tickets for single shows are available on the door for the standard cinema ticket price.

U3AC members can get a reduced-price ticket by first purchasing a U3AC 10-week Term Card (or adding this to your existing Picturehouse Membership), and then obtaining a paper ticket (at no additional cost) on the day.

  1. Buy a 10-week film Term Card for the discounted price of £45. This allows you entry to each of the 10 films screened at 1 pm each Tuesday of the term, at no extra cost.
    • To get set up, register at any till at the Cambridge Arts Picturehouse near the beginning of a term. Bring your U3AC membership card as proof of eligibility for this scheme.
    • The Picturehouse staff will issue you with a Picturehouse Membership card, which stores your 10 U3AC screening ticket credits on it, lasting the whole of the 10-week term. Note: If you already have a Picturehouse Membership card, either one for which you’ve paid an annual fee or a prior U3AC Term Card, Picturehouse staff will add the current U3AC term to your existing card.
    • Please keep this card and renew it at any Arts Picturehouse till before each term (you cannot do this over the phone or on the U3AC or Picturehouse websites).
  2. You will need a paper ticket to gain entry to each week’s U3AC film.
    • Present your Picturehouse Membership card at any till in the cinema to get your ‘free’ ticket to the current week’s U3AC film.
    • Show this to the usher at the door to gain entry to the film.