U3AC lunch club

Coordinator: Marie-Joelle Galvez
Contact: via the U3AC office

This social lunch club meets the first week of every month, Wednesday and Thursday only, at restaurants across Cambridge. The aim is to set up a maximum of 10 groups spread over the 2 days with a maximum of 6 people in each group attaining an upper limit total of 60 people who want to attend the lunch club on a regular basis. There is also an AD HOC list for people to attend lunch as and when a vacancy occurs. A 6 month plan is organised and booked at different venues by the organiser and this plan is distributed to all concerned. If a group is comfortable with each other and want to operate autonomously they must advise the co-ordinator. If a regular luncher cannot make a specific lunch date for any reason they must contact the organiser so that alternative arrangements can be made.

The U3AC Lunch Club is not responsible for special requirements and it is up to the individual to organise their special requirements. Additionally, the U3AC Lunch club organiser does not deal with dietary ailments. It is also up to the individual to advise the restaurant at ordering time or preferably beforehand.