Inspiring, educational, sociable.

Run by its members for its members, you’ll meet people with common interests while you learn something new, share your knowledge, improve your fitness and enhance your life.

Our courses are held during the day. Membership is open to everyone who is not or no longer in full-time employment.

It's easy to join

The Programme is available from the beginning of July for the academic year commencing in October.
To join U3AC and/or enrol for courses simply fill in the online application form, pay the annual subscription (£110 in 2024-25) plus any additional course fee as shown in the Programme, plus the enrolment fee of £5 for new members. Enrolment opens at the beginning of July and closes the following May.

Course allocation takes place at the beginning of August.  After this time, please consult the Vacancy List to see which courses still have places.

You can also join U3AC by completing a paper form – please contact the Office by email or call 01223 321587 to request one.

When you have received your confirmation letter and U3AC membership card you may start to attend courses.

Note: A reduced rate subscription is available for members in receipt of pension credit. To qualify for the reduced subscription of 20% of the full rate (£22.00 in 2024-25), contact the Office with evidence of your entitlement. If you enrol online, you will be refunded the difference when the relevant documentation has been received.


What does the annual subscription include?

The annual membership subscription contributes to the administration and accommodation costs of U3AC.  It is not a payment for classes, lectures or activities. Members can attend the Wednesday lectures and the Norah Boyce science lectures (space permitting), apply for up to 6 classes and apply for visits arranged throughout the year.

How do I get a Programme?

You can download a pdf of the Programme from the link below.

To request a printed copy of the Programme, or to make enquiries, please contact the U3AC Office by email or call 01223 321587.

Click to download the Programme for 2024-25



Can I join at any time?

Yes, of course, you are welcome to join at any time during the year. Once course allocation has taken place in August some courses become full; it is best to contact us about vacancies before actually applying.

Download the list of courses with vacancies when it is available

When is the best time to join?

The best time to join us is the beginning of July – when the annual Programme is published.


Our members enjoy

Courses and activities

Our Programme contains over 300 practical and academic courses on the arts, languages, literature, history, science and technology, and world matters. We schedule leisure activities and fitness classes, organise walks and make music together. Classes are planned and delivered by our members, with support from a central team and our Office staff.



U3AC runs two lecture series during the year. Every Wednesday afternoon in term there’s a lecture on a general topic – it could be environmental, historical, political or social. The Norah Boyce Science Lectures are held on alternate Tuesdays in the Autumn and Spring Terms: their strapline is ‘Science for everyone’.

Trips and social events

We hold a welcome meeting for new members in early October, a buffet lunch in the New Year, and arrange summer garden parties in members’ gardens. The Cultural and Social Activities Committee organises trips to theatres, museums and places of interest throughout the year.


Extra activities

There are several groups which do not need to be applied for on your application form.
Our Cycling group offers rides of varying lengths and speeds while our Film Group presents screenings in a Cambridge cinema. We also have a Theatre group and lunch group.


Local discounts

Several local shops and cafés offer special discounts to U3AC members on presentation of their membership card. Many of these display a U3AC logo in their window. Click to see the full list of participating businesses, and the discount offered by each.