These Lectures are aimed at a general audience, covering a wide range of scientific topics – ‘Science for everyone’.
The Norah Boyce Science Lectures are open to all members on presentation of their U3AC membership card.
The Lectures are co-ordinated by the Director of Studies (Lectures).
John Cook and Jack Price together ensure a distinguished roster of speakers. All give their time voluntarily.
To contact the Lectures team via the Office please email:
The Lectures (when held live at a physical venue) are open to all. (Non-members can attend if there is enough space.)
Lectures presented online (via Zoom) are open to members only. You will need to log in to access the Zoom link.
The Lectures normally take place in the Autumn and Spring terms.
When: Tuesdays at 4.30 pm.
Where: The lectures are mostly held via Zoom
Some previous lectures were recorded and are now available to watch.
Click on a title to find out more
Norah Boyce Science Lectures will resume in the Autumn term