Please contact the Office if you would like to post something here.
Spring Concert U3A Choir, Thursday 20th March, 11am
Join your U3AC friends and classmates for a free celebration of Easter in choral music by the U3AC Choir. On the programme are Parry’s ‘Blest Pair of Sirens’, spirituals, and a mellifluous medley of choruses from The Messiah. The concert will be held at St James’ Church, Wulfstan Way, CB1 8Q, which is served by the number 2 bus. On-street parking is often available nearby. ALL WELCOME! Refreshments will be served after the concert; donations towards costs are welcomed.
Two U3AC Moviemakers’ films at Cambridge Festival 2025
6:30pm-9:00pm on Wednesday 26 March
St John’s College Old Divinity School, All Saints Passage, CB2 1TP
‘Climate Anxiety’ and ‘Bats, Bottles & Butterflies’ are short films made by U3AC Moviemakers Group. They explore young people’s worries about climate change, what local schools are doing to address the environmental crisis, and how action is an antidote to anxiety. A panel of experts and young people, chaired by leading environmental presenter Tom Heap will discuss issues raised by the films with the audience. Young people who participated in the films will have an exhibition and discuss their environmental activities before and after the main event.
18:30 – 19:00 Exhibition and discussion with young people
19:00 – 20:30 Film screening followed by panel discussion
20:30 – 21:00 Exhibition and discussion
Admission is free but please visit the Cambridge Festival webpage to book:
A U3AC member’s book publication
Mike Lynch, who has run courses on Dickens, Jane Austen and George Eliot, as now written a book – Dickens and the Law – a Hate-Love Relationship which is to be published in April. The book follows Dickens’ changing attitude to the law though twelve of his novels, in which Dickens’ entertaining and sometimes savage satire also reflects his serious thinking on social justice, debt, crime and punishment and even the nature of our constitution.
The book can be ordered prior to publication on Amazon.
Poetry By Heart on Zoom
If you have half an hour free to join a small and friendly group of poetry enthusiasts on a Thursday at two o’clock, you’d be most welcome to join us on Zoom. We share our pleasure in reciting remembered favourite poems old and new – which helps to sharpen up the memory. Most of us need a crib now and then and if we’ve been too busy during the week to memorise a piece, we simply read it. Drop me a line if you’re interested on
Ian Whybrow.
Added 10 January 2025
Podcast/video help needed
I am looking for technical advice and down-to-earth suggestions concerning the creation of podcasts and videos. As a novice in a world where people are rushing about like on a motorway, I need simply to talk the operation through.
If a Member can help (or anyone you know), please email Mike: or call 07889381477.
Julian Doberski – I have now had published two more books in addition to the one previously listed on this site. They are as follows:
The Science of Garden Biodiversity: The living garden. Pimpernel Press. £9.99 (or less)
The Science of Sewage: What happens when we flush. Pimpernel Press (Gemini Books). £9.99 (or less)
Both books are available through bookshops or Amazon.
Prior to retirement I taught at Anglia Ruskin University In Cambridge and all three of my books cover aspects of my teaching at ARU. All three books are intended for the interested lay reader. They are not textbooks, but they do try to explain a range of scientific/technical topics.
In Brampton Rd, Cambridge
Beginners and advanced students of all ages welcome.
Lessons are fun and there’s lots of potential to really enjoy beautiful music.
Emma Chopourian has been teaching for over 30 years – students from 6yrs old to ‘mature’ adults!!
A piano or touch sensitive keyboard would be needed.
Please get in touch by email
The Personality of Paris: Landscape and Society in the Long-Nineteenth Century
For a few years, Alan Baker gave a U3A Cambridge course on Peasants and Parisians: geographical perspectives on nineteenth-century France. He has expanded his three talks on Paris into a full-length book which examines the material and symbolic transformation of Paris – the City of Light – between 1789 and 1914. Published by Bloomsbury in February 2022, a paperback edition was issued towards the end of 2023.
A professor at the Sorbonne University, Philippe Boulanger, reviewing the book, wrote: “Alan Baker offers us an unprecedented look at the ‘personality of Paris’ in the nineteenth century. Its historical geography takes on a new meaning thanks to a sensitive analysis of the Parisian space and Parisians. A remarkable work . . .’
Julian Doberski: I have recently had published a book under the title: ‘The Science of Compost: Life, Death and Decay in the Garden’ Pimpernel Press £9.99.’
The book is intended for enthusiastic gardeners who want to know more about what goes on in their compost heap to turn green/brown organic waste into friable compost.
Click here to upload a flyer for the book
Ian Whybrow – a selection of poems written as part of a collection called Poetry with Legs.
Click HERE to view the poems.
More details can be found at
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Please contact the Office if you would like to post something here. Please note this is not an interactive page – it’s simply an online noticeboard and will include contact details. Note this page is managed and moderated by the U3AC office.