Trips and visits

Our trips and visits are organised by the U3AC Cultural and Social Activities Committee.

The Chair of the Committee is Clem Messenger.

Planned trips

Trip forms are available above when you click on the event.

Please note our trips are for members only.

After the closing date if there is no waiting list, places may be made available for non-members; arrangements must be made through one of the organisers.

You can also find information about these trips:


Pick-up points

Our standard pick-up points are the Trumpington Park and Ride and Madingley Road Park and Ride (where parking for the day is free).

Applying for a trip

Applying online

On the left, select the relevant event and complete the requested information. Payment is by bank transfer, and all communication is by email.


Applying using a paper application form

Forms are available:

  • on the left (you will need to log in)
  • from the reception area at the U3AC premises
  • by emailing the Office
  • by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the Office with the name of the event in the top left-hand corner
  1. Complete the application form correctly – especially the section at the bottom specifying a contact number for emergency purposes as this is a U3AC requirement.
  2. Send your completed form to the U3AC Office before the closing date.
  3. Pay either by BACS or by credit or debit card (in person at the Office),
  4. All communication is by email.  If you do not have an email address include a stamped self-addressed envelope, for notification of your successful application.

If there are more applicants than places a draw is held, about 2 weeks before the event, to make it fair for everyone. If your application is successful you will be sent an acceptance slip.

If you are not successful and have asked NOT to be placed on the waiting list, your payment will be refunded to you after the draw has taken place.

If you are not successful and have asked to be placed on the waiting list, your payment will be returned after the visit has taken place if you are unsuccessful in gaining a place.


Please bring your acceptance slip with you on the trip as confirmation of booking acceptance, to avoid any misunderstandings.


Members whose applications are not successful are placed on a waiting list and will be notified if a place becomes available.