Report on Tutor Forum September 2023
The Tutor Forum met on 27 September 2023 and considered in small groups the question: “How can we improve our support for new and experienced tutors?”
A summary of the points raised (not in priority order) is below as the Appendix to this note. Subsequently, these points were discussed by the Courses Committee at their meeting in December where it was decided to revise substantially the Tutor Support Handbook (TSH) and to produce a Welcome Information Guide for new tutors.
The revised TSH was published on the U3AC ‘s website at the end of January 2024 and the Welcome Guide, which has been drafted, will be sent out to new tutors once all the course proposals for the next programme (2024/2025) have been received in May.
Thank you to all those tutors who took part in the Forum and were the catalyst for change.