We hope as many members as possible will attend the inaugural event to celebrate our 40th anniversary on Tuesday, 22 March 2022. It should be a very special afternoon, combining the AGM, lectures from entertaining and inspiring speakers, and the pleasure of meeting fellow members face to face in the historic and recently refurbished Cambridge Union.
2.30 pm Welcome by the Chair, Tim Ewbank, with Nick Coni, co-founder of the U3A.
2.40 pm Lecture by John Keyworth, former Curator of the Bank of England Museum: ‘Amusing, shocking, informing: Cartoons and caricatures of the Bank of England’.
3.20 pm AGM. Susan Honeyford to be appointed as Chair of the meeting.
3.40 pm (approx.) Break for refreshments.
4.30 pm Norah Boyce Science Lecture by Sir Paul Nurse, Director of the Francis Crick Institute, former President of the Royal Society and Nobel Laureate for Physiology or Medicine: ‘What is life?’.
Notice of U3AC Annual General Meeting of U3AC to be held in the Debating Chamber of the Cambridge Union, 9A Bridge Street, Cambridge at 3.20 pm on Tuesday 22 March 2022
The papers can be found below:
Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2021
We hope that as many members as possible will attend this meeting.
To help ensure that things go smoothly, we ask that any questions or comments on the papers are mailed or emailed to the Office to arrive not later than Friday 18 March 2022.