16 October 2024

*** Today’s Wednesday Lecture ***

Today’s Wednesday Lecture at 2.15 pm entitled One of our own’ Victor Ekins by David Duker.

There are still places available to attend in person in the Pink room, please contact the Office to book a place.

Polite request – if you have booked a place to attend in person and then find you cannot do so, please let the Office know, even if it is at the last minute; this will enable someone else to have the place and ensure the speaker has a full audience.

What’s on next week

Tuesday 22 October at 1 pm – The Film Group screening will be Cabaret at Arts Picturehouse

Wednesday 23 October – 11 00 – 13.00 ‘Chat with the Chair’, in the Social area on the 2nd floor of the U3AC premises.

Wednesday 23 October at 2.15 pm Wednesday Lecture will be MAiD-The Journey So Far – The Road Ahead by Dr Jean Marmoreo. Booking is now open to attend in person in the Pink room (the speaker will be on Zoom) – please contact the Office.

New Items

Talks – contact the Office to enrol

Age/ageing in art – What are we looking at? Re-VIEWING images of “the third age” a few places still available

Speaker: Dr. Britta Dwyer

Dates and time: Friday 25 October & Friday 1 November 11:00 – 12:15

Venue: U3AC (Pink room)

Places: 30

These two chronologically linked talks on age in art are an attempt to present a theme in art history that has until recently only received scant attention. I want to take on the challenge of looking at how images of old age are variously represented. Aside from portraits, reflecting the ageing process per se (uniquely Rembrandt) what are some of the narratives embedded in illustrations about older people? Crucially, are there varying standards for judging the ageing of men and women? Why is the old male invariably idealised? Why is youth and beauty a woman’s only worthwhile possession? Moving to modern times, how are attitudes about age, gender and race rendered by today’s artists? Finally, how does our mass media culture deal with the theme of old age? Join me for this exploratory journey on ‘age in art’ – past to present.

About me: I am a retired university lecturer who has taught art history courses at the U3AC for very many years.

Please note: booking a place means attending both sessions.


Climate Change Adaptation

Speaker: Nigel Blackmore

Date and time: Friday 8 November, 12.00 – 1.15pm

Venue: U3AC, Pink room


Climate change is inevitable and worsening. It will, in the near future, have a devastating impact on all aspects of human lives, especially food production. We, and our government, must prepare now how to live in a new, frighteningly different world. This talk explains the problems, with evidence, and proposes solutions.

Nigel Blackmore, now retired was a civil servant, Budget Manger for the £1 billion Standards Fund at the Department of Education.


Our Changing Water Environment – Challenges and Opportunities

Date and time: Friday 15 November, 10:30 -13:00

Venue: Main Seminar Room, Cambridge Conservation Initiative, David Attenborough Building

Location: Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QZ

Speakers include: Chris Gerrard, Anglian Water, Andy Turner, Environment Agency, Matthew Bullock, FenlandSOIL, Rachael Brown, CambsACRE

Places: 60

Water is fundamental to our health. Globally, access to water is being affected by climate change, and in Cambridgeshire, a high growth area, the added demands to build additional houses is placing more and more stress on our water infrastructure. Our challenges include water quality, flooding and water resource management. These challenges are affecting our chalk streams, agriculture and the future of farming. Our speakers will cover how these environmental considerations are impacting our water resources and their management and how some of these issues are beginning to be addressed. There will be an opportunity for questions, discussion; and identifying personal actions we can all do to help.  The event is open to members of the U3AC and CCF. With thanks to the Cambridge Conservation Initiative for kindly allowing us to host this event at the David Attenborough Building. Please contact the Office to book a place – the deadline for applications is Wednesday 13 November.

Chat with the Chair

As Chair of the Council, I shall be holding ‘Chat with the Chair’ open sessions once a month during term times. These will be held around a reserved table in the Social Area, where we can take coffee and, hopefully, cake and biscuits, while we talk. Do feel free to come along to raise any issues about the U3AC, or indeed simply to ask questions. These sessions should also be a good opportunity to learn about volunteering for the U3AC, whether as a trustee, a tutor, course leader, or in one of the many supporting roles that are so vital for the smooth running of the organisation. My first session will be on Wednesday 23 October between 11.00 and 13.00.

Last week’s Wednesday Lecture

Due to a railway track fire last week, Dame Mary Archer was unable to lecture on the Cambridge Children’s Hospital. We hope to rearrange the talk for a future date. We are grateful to David Oates for stepping in at very short notice to speak on Chivers’ Jam Factory in Histon.


Reminders – Courses and activities 

If you are unable to attend one of your allocated courses, please let us know so that the place can be offered to someone on the waiting list. Thank you.

Attending classes when unwell

Cases of Covid and colds are again rising and as U3AC members are a high-risk demographic group we politely request you to consider your fellow U3AC members and if you feel unwell, particularly if you have a temperature and display symptoms of a respiratory infection, please do not attend your courses or enter the Bridge Street premises or any of our external venues used for courses and activities.

Vacancy list

If you are interested in applying for additional courses, there is a Vacancy list on the website showing all courses with current spaces; this is regularly updated.


Reminders – Visits and events

Visit to Spencer House, London and Tate Britain

A visit to Spencer House and Tate Britain has been arranged on Monday 25 November 2024. Cost £45.50. Application forms are now available from on the Trips and Visits page of the website or to collect from the U3AC premises. Closing date for applications is Monday 11 November.


Reminders – general

Lift in Bridge Street

Unfortunately, the lift is still out of order. We apologise for the inconvenience.