25 September 2024

Welcome! The U3AC Bulletin is emailed out to members every Wednesday. It contains the latest news, courses and events.

What’s on next week

Monday 30 September – 10.00 and 12.00 New members’ meeting (pre-booking necessary)

Tuesday 1 October – 10.00 and 12.00 New members’ meeting (pre-booking necessary)

Tuesday 1 October – 13.00 – The Film Group screening will be Bonnie and Clyde at Arts Picturehouse.

Wednesday 2 October – 10.30 – Tutor forum (this is now full)


New Items

Please check your spam / junk folders

Several tutors have advised us that members have not been receiving their emails and when the member has checked they have found them in their spam or junk folder. It is a good idea to check these folders regularly so that you don’t miss any important information.

Zoom app

If you are doing courses on Zoom, please make sure your Zoom app is up to date. Zoom links for courses will be sent before term starts.

Vacancy list

If you are interested in applying for additional courses, there is a Vacancy list on the website showing all courses currently with spaces; this is regularly updated.

Tutors wanted for short film

U3AC is making a short film to encourage recruitment of new U3AC tutors and would like to interview current tutors about their role. Please get in touch if you would be willing to spare an hour of your time for this. Laura Sims, email: lauraRsims36@gmail.com


Reminders – Courses and activities 

If you are unable to attend one of your allocated courses, please let us know now rather than wait until term starts so that the place can be offered to someone on the waiting list. Thank you.


Reminders – Trips

Correction to date of visit to Spencer House

The August Newsletter gives the date for this visit as Thursday 25 November, it should in fact be Monday 25 November. Apologies for any confusion.

Application forms will be available on 7 October.


Reminders – Other

Other organisations

U3AC supports other local organisations by listing their activities on the Other organisations page of our website https://www.u3ac.org.uk/news/other-organisations/