9 October 2024

*** Today’s Wednesday Lecture ***

Today’s Wednesday Lecture at 2.15 pm entitled Cambridge Children’s Hospital by Dame Mary Archer.

There are still places available to attend in person in the Pink room, please contact the Office to book a place.

Polite request – if you have booked a place to attend in person and then find you cannot do so, please let the Office know, even if it is at the last minute; this will enable someone else to have the place and ensure the speaker has a full audience.

What’s on next week

Tuesday 15 October at 1 pm – The Film Group screening will be Perfect Days at Arts Picturehouse

Tuesday 15 October at 4.30 pm – Norah Boyce Science Lecture will be How do flowers produce petals that attract pollinators? by Professor Beverley Glover.

Wednesday 16 October at 2.15 pm Wednesday Lecture will be ‘One of our own’ Victor Ekins by David Duker. Booking is now open to attend in person in the Pink room – please contact the Office.

New Items

Lift in Bridge Street

Unfortunately, the lift is still out of order. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Wine Tasting

The next Wine Tasting evening is on Wednesday 13 November at 5.30 pm. The theme is Limbering up for Xmas – What Should I consider? Cost is £17 per person. Places can be booked via Eventbrite (who charge a non-refundable booking fee): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/949759515277?aff=oddtdtcreator or in person at the U3AC Office. There are just 2 spaces left, but we will keep a waiting list if you are interested.

Visit to Spencer House, London and Tate Britain

A visit to Spencer House and Tate Britain has been arranged on Monday 25 November 2024. Cost £45.50. Application forms are now available from on the Trips and Visits page of the website or to collect from the U3AC premises. Closing date for applications is Monday 11 November.

Reminders – Courses and activities 

If you are unable to attend one of your allocated courses, please let us know so that the place can be offered to someone on the waiting list. Thank you.

Attending classes when unwell

Cases of Covid and colds are again rising and as U3AC members are a high-risk demographic group we politely request you to consider your fellow U3AC members and if you feel unwell, particularly if you have a temperature and display symptoms of a respiratory infection, please do not attend your courses or enter the Bridge Street premises or any of our external venues used for courses and activities.

Zoom app

If you are doing courses on Zoom, please make sure your Zoom app is updated before joining a class.

Vacancy list

If you are interested in applying for additional courses, there is a Vacancy list on the website showing all courses with current spaces; this is regularly updated.


U3AC member badges

As mentioned by the Chair in the August Newsletter, the U3AC member pin badges are now available to purchase from the reception desk at a cost of £1 (cash only please).

Please check your spam / junk folders

Several tutors have advised us that members have not been receiving their emails and when the member has checked they have found them in their spam or junk folder. It is a good idea to check these folders regularly so that you don’t miss any important information.

Other organisations

U3AC supports other local organisations by listing their activities on the Other organisations page of our website https://www.u3ac.org.uk/news/other-organisations/